Vaccine hesitancy
Vaccines are safe and effective, and serious disease can occur if your child and family are not immunized. It is important to start here when talking about vaccines. There is a multitude of information from a number of sources when it comes to vaccinations and much of this information leads to confusion in parents only wanting to do what is best for their children. Here are some facts about vaccination based on current clinical evidence.
Stimulate the immune system
Provide immunity to potentially serious or deadly infectious diseases
Are very effective – so effective, the diseases they prevent are now rare
Strengthen the immune system – important to infants (as they have naturally weaker immune systems)
Are very safe
Can be commonly associated with some mild reactions e.g. soreness, mild fever
Rarely lead to serious reactions e.g. anaphylaxis (severe life-threatening allergic reaction)
Have their safety monitored by public health agencies
Risk of complications from getting a disease are much higher than immunization risk e.g. deafness, brain damage, and death.
There is no evidence they cause chronic disease.
There is rigorous regulation of vaccines...
Regulated by Health Canada; with
Rigorous testing prior to approval; with
Production that is supervised; and
Advantages to combining vaccines
Fewer painful needles
Maximize protection in shortest time possible
Do not overload the immune system
If immunization is stopped there will be re-emergence of minimized/eradicated infectious disease...
E.g. measles, pertussis, polio, H.Influenza
Unless disease is 100% gone, small outbreaks can turn into epidemics − Smallpox is the only eradicated disease
Some diseases cannot be eradicated – e.g. tetanus
Small pockets of disease can spread as people travel
Heard immunity doesn’t work for all diseases e.g. tetanus
Unvaccinated kids are still at much higher risk of becoming infected
There exists the entity of the asymptomatic carrier – they can infect other immunocompromised individuals: babies, elderly, chronically ill, or those on immunosuppressive treatments
The wait-and-see approach (to vaccinate if your child contracts the infection) may be too little too late because some need time and multiple doses to achieve immunization e.g. pertussis
Reasons why natural infection or healthy lifestyle are not good alternatives...
Vaccines provide effective immunity without the suffering of natural disease
Natural infection carries the risk of severe complications – deafness, disability, death
Boosting the immune system with herbs, vitamins does not provide specific or indeed enough protection
Naturopathic vaccinations as a complete alternative to rather than complimentary measure to medical vaccinations may put your child at serious risk of the disease if contracted
Breastfeeding does provide benefit for some diseases
Good hygiene alone is not sufficient for vaccine-preventable diseases based on Canadian data
Influence of Culture and the Media...
Vaccines are sometimes blamed for diseases that are poorly understood
Claims of associations with Autism, SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome), seizures, etc. have not stood up to vigorous scrutiny
The MMR vaccine does not cause Autism
The MMR vaccine does not cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The Hepatitis B vaccine does not cause Multiple Sclerosis
The Pertussis (Whooping cough) vaccine does not cause brain damage
Vaccines do not cause asthma
Vaccines do not cause SIDS
The Make-up of vaccines...
In vaccines the main ingredient is killed, weakened or part of the germ
There are tiny and safe amounts of additives
Sometimes vaccines are produced from animal cells
Neural tissue is never used
Purification steps remove animal cells
Theoretical risk of Mad Cow disease is 1:40Billion
Pain/discomfort or subsequent fussiness can be addressed with simple pain killers and comfort measures
It is important to note that...
Vaccines are recommended by the Candian Pediatric Society - an advisory body for Pediatricians in Canada
Vaccines are endorsed by Pediatricians - specialists in the care of children
However, vaccines are not compulsory in Canada
Be aware that regulations do exist in most provinces
You may be required to declare non-immunization
As a necessity for public health, unimmunized children may be excluded from school/day care during outbreaks
So what is the viewpoint of Paramount Pediatrics?..
A full endorsement of childhood vaccination supported by a service which we will provide
A desire to work in partnership with parents to keep them well informed and acknowledge their fears, knowledge and understanding
A promise to offer a chance for discussion and review of concerns
An offer to review information gathered by parents (may require a further appointment to allow time for review)
An offer to support a parental decision once the facts have been discussed and the risks are understood
A promise that your choice does not dismiss your child from our Medical practice
An offer to provide an opportunity to vaccinate at a later time if a parent changes their mind in the future (understanding at that time the child may have already contracted the disease)
We do not offer Naturopathic vaccination
References - Vaccination and your child
Your Childs best Shot – Canadian Pediatric Society book
Here are some helpful website links on this common topic:
Canada's eight-step vaccine safety program: Vaccine literacy.
Autistic spectrum disorder: No causal relationship with vaccines.